
Patrimonio rigoglioso tra macchia mediterranea e piante ornamentali

Which spring flowers grow in the garden of Axel Munthe?

Which spring flowers grow in the garden of Axel Munthe?

Even though the week after Easter was not springlike yet in Capri, I took the opportunity to explore one of the most famous gardens. Time to see which spring flowers are growing here, and believe me, you will be in for some surprise... Because you will get to see not only the usual spring flowers which are also common to other, cooler climates in Europe, but it is the amazing combinations of these spring flowers such as forget-me-nots, narcissi, tulips, with tropical plants like banana trees and palm trees. But see for yourselves, I wish you a relaxing virtual walk through this garden, and hope you will be able to take a first impression of the colors and scents that spring brings along in Anacapri. 
A blue flower bed of forget-me-nots inspire spring dreams at the foot of the banana shrub
Peonies blossoming soon - within the next two weeks, in the background you can see the white walls of Casa Munthe, and can take in the cedar and pine trees that abound here
It is really worth making an early spring stroll through one of the most famous gardens of the world. Don't miss taking the opportunity to look at the unique panorama you get from the pergola walk, which by now is covered by the fragrant purple wisteria blossoms, towards Capri town and the Sorrento Peninsula beyond. 
One of the most famous views, taken at the end of the pergola, you can see the Marina Grande port, a part of Capri town and Punta Campanella (the tip of the Sorrento Peninsula) beyond from here.
But let us start our walk right there where you go up to the Cafè Casa Oliv (I will be describing this marvelous spot in a later post). The first impressions you get is blue hydrangea and colorful spring flowers at the entrance to the house of Axel Munthe.
Spring geranium will soon be in full bloom, adorning the entrance to the Casa Axel Munthe
Once inside, you can take a look at blue hydrangea, and of course the forget-me-not flower beds.
lilies and evergreen creepers, asparagus and ivy are framing in the flower bed
And then it is the turn of narcissi and very colorful flower beds that lighten up the numerous hues of green in which the garden abounds. Here is a flower review of what you get to see when you visit the garden in the first half of April:
Narcissi, white and yellow, you find the yellow hues again in the orange fruit that are now ripening on the trees
Aralia leaves looming above the narcissi growing along a stone wall
Narcissi, ivy and aralia, next to hydrangea that are not from the hothouse (serra) and thus still have to grow their leaves in eary spring
After the narcissi, asteracee take over, with their fresh red and white flower heads
The asteracee line a walk along the stone wall which is running parallel to the pergola from which you have the view across Capri and the sea
hyacinthi, blue and white, and a variety of spring daisies
And up we go towards the Chapel at the end of the walk, which is lined by spring daisies, in the background you can see the yellow narcissi growing on the flower bed above, separated by a stone wall covered with ivy
And here they are - purple tulips.
Here we look towards the pergola, with purple tulips in the foreground ...
Rose buds and young rose leaves,still with a reddish hue ...
And finally, take a look at the pergola next to the house
Yellow patches of narcissi all over the garden, framed in with colorful pansies (which, by the way, are the winter flowers here in the south, just like the cyclamen)
Could not help exploring almost every corner in this marvelous garden, taking pictures from different angles: Above you can see the wisteria (glicine) covering the pergola, just coming into bloom ...
And finally the sun comes through the cloud cover, with marvelous rays on the first blossoms of glicine (you can see that in the upper right corner of the picture)
Forsythias, tulips, narcissi, lush foliage ...
the azaleas and rhododendrons will soon be in bloom in their sunny spots amongst the cedar trees and palms
Beyond the pine trees and evergreen laurels growing to the right, is the sea ...
... and finally, a patch of the turquoise sea (yes, the sea turns that color again in spring ...)

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Lara / 22 years old / Parisian

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